
Showing posts from July, 2022

Diplomat Gustavo de Arístegui speaks on the new Strategic Concept of the Atlantic Alliance

            Gustavo de Arístegui discusses about the new Strategic Concept of the Atlantic Alliance and about how it considers China as a new challenge. Gustavo does not describe China as an adversary, but as a rival. According to Gustavo de Arístegui , “China is in the hands of Xi Jinping, who wants to turn China into a rival that climbs several steps to be able to brand it as an adversary. Obviously, from there to becoming an enemy there is a step, for a long time China's expansive and aggressive policies were very worrying and that has not been taken into account in the West”. Mr. Arístegui also says that this was a great headache for the whole world when he was the ambassador to India. In Gustavo’s words. “Those of us who have served in that area realize that the increasingly intense, aggressive and active presence of China in the South China Sea, the amount of artificial islands that they have created and on which they have placed naval and air bases precisely in order to