Gustavo de Aristegui opens up on the daunting factors of jihadist terrorism

Gustavo de Arístegui, from his investigation, says that Kashmir is an attractive cause’ for global jihadist. He had an article Gustavo de Aristegui, the former spokesman of Popular party and the Spanish ambassador to India, rightly points out the factors that keep Kashmiras the written about combating terrorism referring to this. He feels that some of India’s friends have not understood the Kashmir problem—those who have wanted to stay ‘neutral’ dubbing the Indian State as ‘disputed territory’, or those who have analyzed it exclusively as Indo-Pakistani struggle to control all of Kashmir. India’s enemies call it an occupation. But there must be very clear idea: Kashmir is an integral part of India, as part of its inalienable right to national territorial unity and on the basis of this conviction he wrote the article.

Gustavo Aristegui, Gustavo Manuel de Aristegui, Borja de Aristegui, Juez de la Mata, Spanish ambassador Gustavo de Aristegui, Caso, Corruption Comisiones
Gustavo de Arístegui

According to Gustavo de Aristegui experience and investigation, anyone who claims to fight for a noble cause and commits murder, torture or extortion is a terrorist, and also those who are passive co-operators or accomplices. Terrorism generates instability and poverty, and hinders growth and development. Many fail to see the overlaying layers of reality that coexist in Kashmir: Kashmiris who are devoted and patriotic Indians and proud of their Kashmiri identity; the Kashmiris who are clearly separatist, but do not support violence; those who are separatists, but support or condone violence with their silence; and the different kind of so-called militant groups which range from street violence to full-fledged bloodthirsty terrorism. While some of these are Pakistani proxies, others take advantage of the constant Pakistani interference in Indian internal affairs. Some of these calls themselves Kashmiri nationalists, but many of these are ultra-radical Islamists and not a small number of these are clearly jihadists, the ideology that fuels and inspires terrorism. The majority of Kashmiris are loyal citizens of India, but are also proud of their old culture, as others across the nation. Being proud of one’s origins does not justify separatism, when the majority of your fellow citizens reject it, and it can never ever tolerate terrorism.

 From his experience, Gustavo de Arístegui feels that for decades, the main source of violence and terrorism was Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). They have constantly claimed that they were Kashmiri nationalists of Islamic inspiration, when in fact they are jihadi terrorists with a radical Islamist ideology and a nationalist excuse. Investigations also proves that these terrorist group has their link in each and every place where they cannot be even noticed. This new breed of terrorists wants to change the traditional terrorist strategy and its narrative.

Abu Dujana and Arif Lelhari were trapped in a house by Indian security forces, they allegedly recorded messages pledging allegiance to Al-Qaeda—a turning point that should not be taken lightly. This has prompted stern reactions from the traditional terrorist organisations, the HM and LeT; they issued statements that the involvement of international groups would dilute what they consider a struggle to shake Indian rule over the state.

Kashmir is a very attractive ‘cause’ for global jihadist terrorism. As has happened in so many other terrorist-stricken territories, global jihadists try to take over by taking advantage of the instability and ongoing violence. The atmosphere is already there, they just need to change the perspective of those that are most radical, but a good part of the job is done.

Gustavo warns that we must bear in mind that jihadist terrorism, not only is a murderous machine, it is one of the daunting factors of economic, political and social destabilisation in the world. Operational efficiency and intelligence have to be combined with politics. Embrace the Kashmiris—who repudiate terrorism, who feel a part of India—bring them to the fold of peace, and make separatists again a minority among the Muslims of the state.

According to Gustavo de Arístegui, Kashmir is a very attractive ‘cause’ for global jihadist terrorism. As has happened in so many other terrorist-stricken territories, global jihadists try to take over by taking advantage of the instability and ongoing violence. The atmosphere is already there, they just need to change the perspective of those that are most radical, but a good part of the job is done.


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